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Covid-19 Project

The outbreak of Covid-19 led to serious repercussions all across the world. India had to go through a series of severe lockdowns in order to reduce the spread of the virus. These lockdowns were mandatory as it helped to keep people safe in the privacy of their homes. Though the lockdowns were a compulsion, however this led to the fall in our Indian Economy drastically – and companies and businesses had to suffer great losses! Children were also prohibited from attending schools – thus online classes began. Sadly, to say, the worst affected by the pandemic were the poor and underprivileged people of our nation! With the scarcity of essential items, the poor families had to suffer the most during this crisis as they had to survive without food and other necessities for days. Many lost their lives due to the virus but also people were dying out of starvation. Seeing this adversity, we as an NGO stepped up and decided to join hands and extend our help towards these underprivileged families. We started a food distribution network all across different places by purchasing bags of groceries and going from city to city and village to village handing out groceries to those who were in desperate need during the pandemic. There have been hundreds and hundreds of villages and homes that suffered terribly because of lack of provisions for their livelihood! BMS came forward and sought to give these people hope that all is not lost ! With the help of this network we were able to bring relief to many families who suffered because of lack of food. These families were so grateful for the provisions given to them and extend their heartfelt appreciation to BMS for their valued support and contribution during this very crucial time.

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